Sunday, June 20, 2010


Rant time.

Drivers get blamed for it all but as a driver, who is also a pedestrian, I would live to say, "TAKE OUT YOUR EFFING HEADPHONES!"
If you are going to walk around with your headphones in, then either have it low enough that you can still hear cars or look around. As a pedestrian, I have been known to walk with my earphones but I don't close my eyes and turn off the world. Take a look around because if you are walking in a parking lot and walk in front of me and I hit you, then I bet you're going to sue my ass. But no, I am in my car looking around and I see you. I stop. You don't even know I am there. I would honk, maybe shoot the finger but you're not going to see or hear me anyways. SO PLEASE, have some common courtesy. They made a volume button and sidewalks for a reason. Use them. Douche.

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